Our Journey to Taylor

Friday, March 25, 2005

Friday, March 25, 2005

Another great day for us. Today we visited a local country side home and the land that they lease to plant flowers to sell at the market. The home was an amazing 3 story house that was in the middle of a very tight neighborhood, we walked a narrow cement path shared by pedestrians and motorcycles and bikes for about 10 minutes through some pretty lush growing plots to the house. We did pass their old home which is more what we expected with the poorer conditions, but the new home was very impressive. We were greeted with boiled vegetables from their garden (potatoes, sweet potatoes and a purple style potato (Taylor and I ate the normal yellow potato which was very sweet and moist). They keep us very busy with tours and meals, but it was nice to spend the afternoon wandering around on our own (with Doug as our guide) we went down some local streets with markets and live scorpions and a bunch of other things that I didn’t want to look at – I’m sure Andy or Doug will share that experience with everyone. Andy ate something on a stick that looked like squid. We shopped at this enormous shopping center, about 6 or so stories tall and what seemed like over a 1000 stores. The afternoon was over quickly and we had Taylor’s Visa photo taken and will visit the Medical Clinic tomorrow for her “okay” to leave/enter the country. Time feels like it stands still at times and other times the day is over and its time for bed before you know it. We had a rough night last night, but tonight Taylor is already asleep with no tears. I think we’re getting the hang of this! She’s an amazing child and we finally caught her smile on camera (we would have gotten it sooner, but Doug and Andy keep the camera’s so I don’t have much of an opportunity to take some shots of just Tay and I playing.)
Just a few more days and we can come home, I don’t know what our flights will be like with all the children, but I’m anxious to get home at start recuperating from Jet lag and get onto a schedule that will work for all of us, right now with all the touring and appointments its hard to know when we’ll be able to feed or change Taylor. She’s a trouper though and doing fantastic…
Good night!


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