Our Journey to Taylor

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wednesday, March 23rd...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
We visited the zoo today, it was overall a quiet day, but Taylor wasn’t feeling very well, not sure if its just teething or the congestion she seems to have so she slept all the way through the zoo. We had a wonderful afternoon though, the little girl who was just holding a toy yesterday started playing with it today. It was only 48 hours and already you can see that she’s starting to come out of her shell, though it was a rough dinner with about 2/3 of the babies (including Taylor) was having a rough time. I’m sure its all part of the transition and confusion the poor things have been going through the last few days, but its hard not to be able to console them some of the time. Little Taylor is now asleep in our room with Daddy (at least I think she’s asleep) and Uncle Dougie is out exploring the area (it’s a very safe neighborhood and he double checked with our guide about where to go and what to see). Doug has been a tremendous help. Just when you think its running smoothly I walk around with a deer in the head lights look.
Mom & Dad....Thanks...for everything.
Taylor’s keeping good eye contact with me and some with Andy, she’s playing with us on the floor but if she’s sitting next to me she’ll stand up, walk over and turn around to push her little butt into my chest, slide down to the floor and play while she’s leaning up against me. At first I thought it was because she was having a hard time sitting up by herself (which may be a little true) but I really think she enjoys the comfort of knowing that I’m there. She’s getting compliments by everyone that meets us about how beautiful she is, well of course she’s beautiful, she’s my daughter 
Andy and Uncle Doug have gotten permission by the powers that be to visit the Suixi SWI tomorrow. They’re taking a flight from Guangzhou to the largest city outside of Suixi (sorry, can’t remember the name) and the Director of the orphanage is going to meet the flight, take them to the orphanage and bring them to Wutang which is where Taylor is from. They’re bringing all the cameras including the video so we’ll be able to share everything with our travel group! This is a wonderful group, and tomorrow I’m sure I’ll be asking for their help while Andy and Uncle Doug are gone.
Congratulations Donna & Eric on their beautiful daughter’s picture!
We’re thrilled to be here, but getting sick of Chinese food, the hotel is beautiful and its giving a great opportunity to get to know Taylor, but I’ll be glad when were home again and we can see everyone.
Tim & Rebekah, give the cats and Bandit kisses from us, boy are they in for a surprise when Taylor’s running around behind them.
I figured there would be more time to write or read the yahoo groups while were are here, but its hard to find the time since they keep us busy with appointments and paperwork and most of all Taylor (feeding, changing, entertaining, playing, fussing). I’m sure Doug has written more than us, but know we’re thinking about you all and miss everyone.
I’m going to try to get a quilt made this week and take some more pictures of all the Chicken memorabilia. Pleasant Dreams & Good night all…oh, one more thing, we’re calling Taylor “Tumbleweed” since she rolls like the tumble weed while she sleeps!


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